Music is the thing that expresses the words we can not say, and lets out the feelings that would otherwise be held down and [c h a i n ed].

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Impostering the Greats.

The way Great books start off; they suck you into the plot, then explain what is going on in the story so you dont have keep on putting question marks in your book because you have no clue whats going on. Books that start off with a long description, as far as my young mind can tell; that is considered a boring book to young readers. There must be some visual, but later. Some mystique. As am I with my blog. Impostering the Greats. Well, more correctly, I can see that the rest of my class wrote an introduction about them; who they are, what they are(human, I hope.). So I think its an assignment, and I like doing things as such. From as simple as their name to the innerds of their soul being. So here she goes, or maybe; There She Goes (its a song by The La's; ah the irony!)
My name is Jenn. Calling me by any other name, is strictly taboo. I love food. Wo ai fan. Yo nessicito comida. (Translation: I love Food. I need Food.)I am a spanish student who is Chinese. Hence my sumpreme excellence in both. I only made it through a Chinese 1 class and am currently in Spanish 1. Back to Food. Food not just a pshycial being, it is the memory that relates to that certain food that triggers emotions. It is the Food. The top essential of Life, for your Soul and Physical Being. Ice cream is the best dessert. Sweets that are sweet sweet can be a bit too sweet. If you comprended that within one read, you are among the people that tend to write Jenn-style. But the rest of the world can just comprend this language called: English; Ingles, Meiguo wen. I am taking a English 1 class. By force I started off in this class, but secretly, I am currently loving it. Blogging is the Generation X's niche. We just click together. In class the mental conversation goes like this:
Mr. Watson: Blog. We will Blog for English!
So the mind of Jenn is quite the usual. It's un-usual. Oh, one more fact about Jenn. She loves God.

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