Music is the thing that expresses the words we can not say, and lets out the feelings that would otherwise be held down and [c h a i n ed].

Monday, February 12, 2007

Moodle, Poodle.

In English class on Friday, we were told to create a web about things that we thought about Moodle. The class was split in groups of three or four people. Our group came up with some unconvential ideas, such as: "I want Moodle to make me lunch." Tiffy was the girl genius that thought up that idea. So, all in all, the following is the list that I wrote in my English notebook. Hope you find some comedy and enlightenment in my thoughts and e-scribbles.

What I unconditionally-love-so-much-i-would-be-angered-if-it-change about it:

  1. There is this feature where you can add contacts from your class and talk to them in a sort of Instant Messaging fashion. I think that is very clever, especially when the english class is located in the computer lab and we are not allowed to talk!
  2. There is an About Me. Most educational sites dont really want you to input any type of personal information about yourself. But Moodle is the exception. They care about you as an idiviual. They want to know more about you as a person, not just a name.

What I wish-upon-a-shooting-star-and-ask-Santa-for about it:

  1. I want Moodle to talk to me! Tell me my name! How cool would that be? HELLO, JENN. and then id just be like,"Hello Alfred." Thats what I would name my iMoodle-Speaker. Give me a sense of identity!
  2. Music is one of a teenagers most prized possesions. Without music, a teenager is lost. The power of voice with instrumental heaven is bliss. Pure bliss. Having some music to listen to on Moodle would be wonderful.
  3. Moodlers must take a break now and then. Why not have some games on Moodle? Something to tease the brain into learning? Sharpen your reflexs! The possiblities are absolutely endless.
  4. Email is also a big part of the 21st century communication portal. Without email, we would have to mail letters! Kill trees! oh my! So Email would be good to have on Moodle.

What I creatively-in-my-JENNish-way use it:

  1. Use the Moodle as the new AIM. Instant Message your friends into the night!
  2. Use Moodle as a ad place. When you are allowed to post topics, post things you want to trade in for something else, or are looking for to purchase. (ie: WANTED: a green iPod.) Plus, its free. Who doesn't like some free ad space?

What I despise-hate-strongly-dislike about it:

  1. There is no interation with people other then your class. My english class has about seventeen people in it. There is not alot of audience you are getting when you are talking, putting your ideas out.
  2. The default picture is abousolutely hideous. It is a smiley yellow face with some gafas de sol. (sunglasses.) It hurts to think about it. (See top of post.)
  3. The font is default, you can not change it. The same font all the time is boring.

And that is the conclusion to my thoughts Disection of Moodle. My ups and downs, pros and cons, likes and dislikes, loves and hates, and yet the world turns.

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