Music is the thing that expresses the words we can not say, and lets out the feelings that would otherwise be held down and [c h a i n ed].

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Quote Unquote Aunt.

"On a farm near the sea, a woman who tended her appearance reaped a reputation for eccentricity." [Book, Woman Warrior Chapter: No Name Woman Page 9 Paragraph 1 Line 1 ] The villagers in the chapter, No Name Woman can not accept the individually. The aunt of Maxine gets automatically viewed as eccentric because of her behavior. Drawing attention to yourself is a big taboo in a village where the norm is being guiet, meek, silent. I guess the aunt wanted to be the red fish in the sea of blue fishes even though there is a price. You see, the blue fishes blend in with the water and don't get caught by the fisherman. But the red fish has no defense. But it might be worth it. This thirst for identity, for self. You can't be yourself if you are so much alike everyone else.

"Don't humilitate us. You wouldn't like to be forgotten as if you had never been born."[Book, Woman Warrior Chapter: No Name Woman Page 5 Paragraph 2 Line 3 ] In this quote, the mother is telling Maxine the punishment that the Aunt had to suffer through for her sin. It seems more like a threat then a warning. I guess this is the mother's way of meaning that she was dead serious. I wonder if Maxine gets these stories for things her mother tells her not to do, like cheat on a test? Are there family stories for that as well as this story? Well, this story is rather indepth as the aunt commits suicide. But, why did the mother have to tell Maxine this story? Stories like this stick with you for the rest of your life. This quote sums up the mother's story. Her morale at the end, you become a eccentric, you beome an outsider. This signifys that Maxine's family is still deep in Chinese tradition.

No Name Woman is just filled with "hidden" metaphors and details that you will miss if you read without stopping to think about it. So think about it.

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