Music is the thing that expresses the words we can not say, and lets out the feelings that would otherwise be held down and [c h a i n ed].

Friday, February 23, 2007

Remix: My Natural High.

Here's the edit of my story, My Natural High.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked. It was eight o' clock in the morning, when the summer heat was almost starting to settle in, but the crisp air was chilly, with breezy winds blowing about. I was staring at a huge rocky peak with rapids encircling it was shaped like a bear, the mist from rushing water surrounding the air everywhere, damp clung to my skin. The sun was just peaking out from a cloud and the sky was a blue tint. Everything seemed to be assuring me, Alex and my mother, the sky, the somewhat soothing sound of water rapids. "Everything was going to be alright. Just Relax," I thought to myself. And I did.

"GRRRRING" the sound of motors working in a fluid motion,round and round, again, as our raft flew to the top of the track, I was immediately thrust into reality, I was going to die from shock. This steep incline, I was going to have to drop, that far. I looked down. Oh my God. From that breakneck height, I would have to fly down. Time for some Hail Marys and Our Fathers. I squeezed my eyes shut and gave the handlebars on the raft a deathgrip, holding on for dear life. How could I let my mother and best friend persuade me to go on a raft ride, in early morning! I must be out of my senses! And there were screams that could be heard from just about anywhere in the park coming from that ride. Oh boy. The raft was turning, sloshing around in the roaring waters. This wasn't that bad. It was quite fun. I relaxed my shoulders and loosened my grip. I smiled.

SPLASH. I guess not. My smile had turned into a thin line with a furrowed brow. I has just gotten my whole shirt soaked. From one wall of water. Now I was frezing cold, and the windy morning was not helping. Then there was a big drop coming up. The big finish. I looked ahead and saw the water at the bottom, gushing around, seemingly evilly frolicking, beckoning us closer as to get us wet. No! I couldn't grasp the idea of accepting my doomed fate. I wanted to turn the raft depserately around and back into the direction it came in. Too late now, gravity had taken its toll.

For the few seconds I was falling, it felt as though my body was suspended into midair, time was in slow motion. This was a great feeling, release, relax, enjoy. Screaming just made the sense of complete freedom complete. And then we crashed into the water, spraying everywhere. The moment was over, my natural high. Everyone was soaking wet, but I was estatic from that.

"Can I go again?"

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