Music is the thing that expresses the words we can not say, and lets out the feelings that would otherwise be held down and [c h a i n ed].

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Shaman Artist

Well, it seems like I forgot to do an entry. Ooopsie. Well, For the chapter in the book; Woman Warrior, I choose the artist as my literature circle post. With my tursty program Paint, an imagination, and my book, I shall start with a picture and end into an very short explaination.((My pictorical skills are mimimal))

There is a tin can at the bottom of the picture, from the tin can that sparked Maxine's mothers' memory into thinking about her life experiences at medical school. There is a bat in the left side of the picture showing of how Maxine always thinks that the tin can comes with the smell of China. Bats in China are symbols of good luck and Maxine associates China with its smell. There are two green andforms, the red chinese characters show that the left landform is China and the right landform is America. Zhong guo and Mei Guo. There is what is supposed to look like a yellow/gold mountain on the right. That is supposed to represent California and the Golden Mountain that the Chinese named California after, what many Chinese believed actually existed, a Golden Mountain. There are two documents in the tin can. They are shown in the picture in the top center.

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